Keep On, Keepin On

2017 wasn’t a great year.  It wasn’t perfect.  It wasn’t a total disaster.  It was definitely full of challenges, growth, learning – but I really cannot complain (and if I did, who would want to listen to me anyways)….

In 2017 – I lost my job.  I spent 6 months, looking for the right opportunity.  I stressed  – about money, about being out of work too long, about not having my degree…  I was depressed because I could not provide for my family in the manner that I was accustomed to.  I had to ask for help, and that is hard.  I had to depend on someone else, that was very hard.

But…. I got to spend 6 months, enjoying time with my kids.  I got to spend a summer vacation at home with them!  Granted, we didn’t have money to do a whole heck of a lot, and sports schedules kept us from doing anything longer than a day anyways – but I was able to spend quality time with my tween-agers… who won’t appreciate that as much in the years to come.  AND – I ended up with a kick ass job that I love (after some long interview processes and a lot of waiting) – but in the end, that challenge of losing my job turned out to be a multitude of blessings.

I spent a lot of my “time-off” at the hospital with my Pops.  As you know, 2017 kicked his ass repeatedly.  Any problem I thought I had last year, paled in comparison to what my dad was going through. It’s always great to have perspective.  We almost lost him.  He struggled for a long time to “recover”.  He is still in need of medical assistance, but MOST days he accepts that and is making the best of it.  His communication is clear.  Most days his mind is clear…. he is really coming back strong!  We took the grandsons over to see him this weekend, and he was happy – he is itching to see them all playing sports again soon!  Almost losing him sucked.  It scared me, more than I can ever put into words.  His recovery frustrated the hell out of me – there are still more questions than there are answers… but, he is here.  He is healthy enough to put up a good argument with us kids.  And for now, things are looking pretty good for the old man.

There were a million other little challenges, and two million other little good things (I got to help start a non-profit, which I LOVE; it is my last year volunteering at our elementary school, which is bittersweet).  Without touching anything political, I have to say that 2017 was a pretty okay year.  If nothing else, the opportunities that came from my challenges in the past year, have set me up for a pretty kick ass 2018.  I am looking forward to a really great year!

I did not set any bull-shit resolutions for this year – my only real goal: to be the best ME that I can be.  To take everything good in my life to the next level, and let go of any of the crap.


I really do love my job.  I love the challenges it presents, and the opportunity to grow and learn.  I really feel like I found my place and my people!  I have professional goals that include certifications, and possibly working towards that degree (finally)! When you like what you do, it is a lot easier to show up and do your best….

My kids are awesome.  Sure, they are occasionally a pain in the ass – as many 10 year olds can be…. but they are really growing into pretty cool people.  I like that we have open communication and can be straight forward with them as much as possible.  They are hitting their strive as independent thinkers – and while that can be challenging, it is rewarding as hell!  I love hearing from their teachers and coaches that they are doing well.  They are funny, smart, competitive, artistic, lazy, sarcastic, challenging little (or not so little) dudes & they make my life AMAZING.

Jerritt and I are doing great.  Sometimes, we are not on the same page, or even in the same book – but we are pretty darn good at figuring it out.  We have a whole bucket list of adventures on the horizon this year, and I am looking forward to whatever and wherever with him….. More on these planned shenanigans soon.

I turn 40 this year. While part of me feels like I am turning the corner to being OLD, part of me feels like my life is just getting started!  It is weird, not going to lie. Inspired by a friend, I will be doing 40 random acts of kindness, leading up to my big day.  Because why the hell not?!?  I am super excited to get this underway and have a draft of ideas already in the works!  And, to celebrate the big day, we may or may not be planning a good old fashioned “kegger” party….  just like the old days (you know, the 90’s).

Here are my ideas to help me with my resolution of kicking ass this year:

  • I plan to grow my Essential Oils business. Seriously, it’s not about making money (but of course that is always nice), but people need to know about this stuff. Life changing!
  • I plan to actually freaking exercise (I know that sounds cliche, but seriously – I lost 100 pounds, and need to start kicking butt on the last 40 that needs to go!)…. and let’s face it, I feel better when I work out.
  • I plan to visit with more friends and family – like actual travel to your house or meet you somewhere and spend some in person time together!  I only want to see phones to take pictures to carry us through to the next visit.  Even friends I see often, I plan to do more with….  Know who your tribe is, and make sure they know you are there for them no matter what!
  • I plan to write here more often… because y’all love me, right? Seriously though, I love sharing, and having this to look back on.

Now, don’t get me wrong… I don’t plan on 2018 being all sunshine, rainbows and a bottomless wine glass!  I just plan to make the most of every single day (even if the MOST I want to make of a day is lay in bed and watch movies).  I CHOOSE to be happy.  I CHOOSE to not let others pull me down. You can either join me or get the hell out of my way – you cannot hold me back or be surprised when I cut you out for trying.  When there are shit-storms in life, you can either stand on the sidelines and complain about your situation, or you can get in there and muck your way out – and why not help others along the way?!?

So, go ahead and set your goals for 2018.  Make your resolutions…. but most of all, make yourself a priority.  Make your happiness the ultimate goal.  

Happy New Year!


#CrazyAsAMother #DontBeAVictim #ChooseYourHappy #LifeGoalsNotResolutions #Freakin40 #BeTheCorn



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Crazy, passionate, creative, and extremely flawed mother of teen twin boys. Far from perfect, but always able to laugh at myself... I am Marketing Project Manager for an absolutely AMAZING produce company by day (while facilitating distance learning for the kids).... and an exhausted mom, all the time.

5 thoughts on “Keep On, Keepin On”

  1. I very much admire your attitude!! What’s the point of wallowing in the shit, just pull them damn bootstraps up and carry on. That is what I try to do in the face of adversity, but your words served as a reminder to keep doing just that. Hope 2018 is a fabulous one for you and your family!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! A lot of times I write to remind myself when things feel bogged down! Finally, at almost 40 I have figured out that happiness is a daily decision you need to make on your own – no one can do it for you! Hope your year is incredible as well! I’m going to go check out your site now!

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