I Love My Tribe

We aren’t your average family.  And I love it. It works for us.  People comment all the time, in awe that we all get a long so well….  Jerritt and I have been together almost 5 years.  We own a home that we love.  We have the kids with us half of each week, and every other weekend.  We have 3 dogs and 2 cats.  We are crazy busy with sports, school, work, volunteering…. but we try as often as we can to spend time as a family.

Last year’s Family Photo – taken by the wonderful Patty of Patty Schmidt Photography!

Fourteen years ago – today, I married one of my best friends.  I really did.  About 6 years ago, we separated and eventually divorced – but we are still the best of friends.  We are still family.  And even if the marriage didn’t work – we grew up together, we are raising our boys as a team, and have never lost sight of being a family.

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In addition to having Jerritt & Rich by my side, raising these pre-teen monsters we call our boys – we have my mom, my sister, my nephew and my brother – not to mention Rich’s girlfriend Kim and her son…. All of us come together to celebrate holidays, to get the kids to and from sports, school, scouts, band, special events. We are their cheering section.  We are their coaches. We are their guidance counselors.  We discuss rewards, discipline & punishment – we make sure we are all on the same page.  We talk about all the big stuff.  We laugh about all the embarrassing and awkward stuff that comes with raising 10 year old boys.  This is my village, my tribe – I couldn’t be the mom that I am, without them.

Like any true family, we drive each other crazy.  We annoy each other.  We get sick of each other.  But…. we laugh (a lot).  We know that no matter what – we will be there to support each other.  We respect each other. We do family dinners.  We do game nights.  We go on adventures.  We love each other loud and proud.   We have zero cares how the rest of the world views our very functional, perfectly imperfect family.

It doesn’t matter if people think we are strange.  I didn’t plan to get married and divorced, and to have this blended family – but I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.  Our boys sure are loved. They are lucky to have so many people who are invested in their happiness and growth.

Can I also point out, that we have some amazing, close family friends that are a huge part of what makes life so good….  Seriously, the “tribe” is not complete without them.

Don’t let anyone tell you what your family should look like.  You get to choose your tribe, and they should make your burdens less, and your joy more.  When the world is falling down around you, make sure you have the right folks surrounding you to help build you back up. 

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Crazy, passionate, creative, and extremely flawed mother of teen twin boys. Far from perfect, but always able to laugh at myself... I am Marketing Project Manager for an absolutely AMAZING produce company by day (while facilitating distance learning for the kids).... and an exhausted mom, all the time.

11 thoughts on “I Love My Tribe”

  1. I love that you have so much support around you all you are doing an amazing job don’t let anybody tell you different. We love you all Denise & Gary

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your tribe! I admire parents like you that are able to come together and parent for the kids. I have a cousin that is able to do the same! It’s so awesome! Best Blended Tribes I know!


  3. Pingback: Hustle & Heart
  4. This post is fantastic. I like it because it is a candid look at how life can work even when the picket fence plans fall out the window, and how perspective is truly everything. In my own extremely unusual world (I have at least 6 diseases, 4 are rare diseases, and I have a 4yr old son with 2 of the diseases I have), we still somehow find a really great “normal” for us. And we also have a tribe, because I think it takes a village to do anything this complicated on a daily basis. Oh who am I kidding. EVERY life is complicated in its own way. We all need so much support to navigate life successfully. God bless your tribe and you. And you have a gorgeous family, btw.


    1. Thank you so much! I was reading your blog, and I am blown away by what you are dealing with! I admire your strength and perseverance! I will definitely keep reading – you are a warrior!


      1. That is so very kind of you to say. I *do* feel like a warrior these days, though I sure did not used to. I can tell you understand that there’s power in owning wherever you are.


  5. That is SO nice of you to say. I used to feel very differently but now I really do feel like a warrior. It’s funny how, when we embrace where we are, suddenly we gain power by not fighting the flow. You seem to be in the same place. 🙂
    Thank you again for your kind words.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love your modern family! This is the future. When we all come together and support each other. No blood line needed, just love and care.


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